The outdoor training is suitable for all ages; the whole body is trained while having fun in a group. The focus of outdoor training is flexibility, stability, strength and endurance. This includes exercises with your own body weight, running units, partner exercises, group games and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), so no two training sessions are the same. The course takes place all year round and in all weathers outdoors in the vicinity.
Tag: Dienstag
Zeit: 18.45 Uhr – 20.00 Uhr
Treffpunkt: Reha-Zentrum Papieri. Maschinengasse 21, 6330 Cham
Kosten Gruppenkurs: You will find our current price list here.
The Outdoortraining is supervised by a physiotherapist and is aimed at customers and patients who like to train outdoors in a group.
The secretariat will be happy to answer any questions you may have.